After hitting the "Make Character" link, a pop up window with the character creation forms will appear.

Step number one involves choosing your character's profession. This is not necessarily what he does for a living, like doctor or lawyer, instead, it's what he's good at, what he has training in. Generally, your character should have something in his or her background associated with his profession, such as having been raised in a temple, having studied at a mage school, or having been raised by mercenaries. A reason he is what he is.

The choice of profession dictates which skills the character will have available to him as well as his proficiency with those skills. A warrior of equal standing with a rogue will have slightly better chances of success when using a warrior skill. For more information on professions, see here.

Step number two is the selection of a character's race and sex. There is no difference between male and female characters. For brand new players, it is advisable to play a human until you understand the game world. For more information on the races, click here.

Step number three simply indicates which hand your character favors. This can be important in combat, but neither is more beneficial than the other.

Step number four involves the distribution of the character's initial points. As it states, no trait can be less than 10 or more than 30 to start with. There are only four and they can be raises as your character earns additional points. Mages may find it useful to place more points in mental while warriors will probably favor strength. The distribution is up to you.