Now for the really detailed stuff about your character. Click on the scroll at the top of the left hand side of your screen. This is your character sheet and the information here is only seen by you and the GMs. This is the nuts and bolts of your character. It is also where you spend your character's experience and add equipment or weapons.

Let's start by taking a look at the top, left hand side of the sheet. Here you'll find your name, age, class, overall experience you've earned for this character, the character's level, and your four traits.

Experience points are earned two ways: through sessions and through a numeric calculation of how much the character has posted. Each post's length is calculated and added to a running total. When a character reaches a certain point, an XP is awarded automatically and the count starts over again. In this way, even if a player is unable to attend sessions, he or she can still accumulate experience. Level is based on overall experience earned. Each increase in level increases a character's odds of success using skills.

Note that beside each trait's number are more numbers. The first of these refers to how many experience points it will take to raise the trait one point. As a trait increases it becomes more difficult to raise. Clicking on the raise link brings up a box in which you may allot your available experience to that trait.

Below your traits is a box in which to type what kind of weapon your character may carry in his or her right hand. This is for reference by the GMs and may vary based on the in character circumstances.

Current Spirit Points is the amount of magical points a spellcaster has available to draw upon at that moment. This is similar to the concept of "mana" in other games. This total increases as the character gains levels.

Historical gold is the amount of gold a character has accumulated over its existence, not necessarily how much he or she has at the moment.

Max Ji Points refers to the number of points available to use with a Jipoten's Talent. Jipoten's will be explained in greater details further on.